Saturday, May 20, 2017

The minefield of bad choices

When I say I made bad choices the past few days, I am not talking about chocolate cake or Facebook Live broadcasting my last shower or trying to snort Comet cleanser, nothing quite that drastic. Just a little good old fashioned hedonism in the form of a Jimmy Buffett concert which means drinks, drinks, more drinks... and subsequent less than stellar food choices. The 10 pm hot dog I scarfed down at the amphitheatre was probably not strict keto, close enough though. The midnight wings we had afterward were keto, but I don't even want to guestimate how many calories they tipped me over to. The following hungover morning found me desperately eating oatmeal- a strict NO on keto, so I didn't die of a hangover. And waking up today parched I realize I am still way off with regard to hydration and electrolytes which I know is a for sure weight stall. I didn't even step on the scale. I don't want to know. So back to coconut oil coffee and a huge glass of water this morning, I am back on the wagon.

I guess my cautionary tale here is two-fold. You're human, you're going to sometimes deviate and make less than stellar choices. When it happens pause, assess, and then pick back up where you left off. Secondly, when you find yourself slipping- try to pick the least damaging options. The hot dog I ate was possibly keto (I don't know what fillers it had.) Even in my mostly inebriated state I thought "meat, skip bread." and stuck to that. The following day when it was clear fats and proteins were not going down to stay down and I needed something bland and carby.... I eyeballed pancakes, sighed, and went for plain oatmeal. Sometimes the victory is in how you managed to screw up smally rather than biggly.

By last night I was hungry and ready to eat 100% on plan. I made one of my favorites. A very thick meaty pasta sauce (pasta for the family) and sauteed zucchini for me. I have mentioned before, I have a very nice spiralator to make zucchini noodles as a pasta sub, but I have found I actually prefer it this way. I love the taste of zucchini sauteed in copious amounts of olive oil with salt and pepper. I don't want to mask it as pasta, because I want to eat it as zucchini. Plus that's one less kitchen instrument to clean. ;-)

That's all for now folks... wasting away again in ketoland!

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