Saturday, May 6, 2017

I ate fat, and lost fat

I've been following this way of eating for several months now. The novelty of "eat fat, lose fat" should have worn off by now. Sometimes though it just smacks me in the face again with it's astonishing ridiculousness. It's so contrary to EVERYTHING we were ever told in health class, on government pamphlets, by doctors, on the tv news.

Yesterday, I had a cinco de mayo taco meal. The tacos... were made of CHEESE. Full fat cheddar cheese. Stuffed with ground beef and full fat sour cream, and fatty avocados. This morning I hit my 20 lb loss milestone. DOES NOT COMPUTE! I have read the science behind it, but it's hard reversing 45 years of bad information based on a really crappy food pyramid. I eat fat, and I lose fat. I may have a hard time wrapping my brain around the possibilities of it all, but at the end of the day it clearly works.

I have decided with this milestone I am going to try to make a significant (for me) change. I'm going stop daily weigh ins. I think it's time to stop obsessing and relying so much on the scale, and instead enjoy and appreciate all the NSV (non scale victories) in my life. Things like jeans that no longer fit, stairs that no longer feel like a chore to climb, that strange euphoria I experience every afternoon now, the thinner face that's more fun to "make up" in the mirror now, etc. I think I will appreciate these things more, if I stop obsessing so much on scale victories. I'm not tossing it out, but I'm going to take it out of the bathroom and restrain myself to only once weekly weigh ins.

Onto the food now man! Okay in the ketosphere these cheese tacos are all the rage. My opinion was, they were tasty but RIDICULOUSLY filling, and to me the cheese was a little much by the time I finished the first one. I served myself 2, and ended up only eating the "shell" of one, the other I picked out most of the ingredients and ate without the "shell". My non-keto family liked them too but I think they sort of had the same vibe. I think these would be good maybe as tiny mini tacos at a party, or mini muffin taco cups with fillings. I wouldn't say I won't make them ever again, but they won't be a regular part of my dinner line up- tbh I'd rather just eat a taco salad.

For those of you who love lots of cheese though, here you go!

I used this recipe. The process was simple enough. Keep on keto'ing!!

Test taco, was too big.
Drape and let cool, pro-tip, greasy side down so you don't have to hold it.

And ta-da, tacos. With cauliflower rice (taco seasoning and canned tomatoes added)

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